
Angry Elephant Smashes The Busthe State-Owned Bus Carrying Government Workers

Angry Elephant Smashes The Busthe State-Owned Bus Carrying Government Workers

This is the dramatic moment an elephant charged a bus and broke its windshield in southern India.

Footage filmed by a passenger shows the giant elephant smashing the glass with its tusks during an encounter in Coonoor, in the Nilgiris district. The incident happened around 9 a.m after the state-owned bus carrying government workers from Kotagiri to Mettupalayam stopped for an elephant to cross the road.

The giant elephant attacked the bus carrying government workers in Coonoor, which is in the Nilgiris district of southern India. As the elephant began smashing the windscreen before the driver left his seat and shepherded passengers to the back of the bus.

Suddenly the elephant rushed onto the bus. Footage shows the driver initially backing away, but this provokes the giant animal to speed up as it chases the bus. The driver changed tactics and pulled up. He remained in place when the elephant smashed the windshield while the passenger gasped in the back. So far, this video has been viewed more than 15,000 times.

Local reports said the animal soon returned to the forest, and the driver was able to start the bus and carry his passengers to safety.
His calm actions won praise from officials. Supriya Sahu, Principal Secretary, Environment, Climate Change & Forests, at the Government of Tamil Nadu, tweeted: ‘Great respect for this Government bus driver in Nilgiris who kept his composure right away, even when a terrible crash hit him on the bus from an agitated tusker. He helped get passengers to move back to safety during an incident this morning. That’s why they say that a cool mind works wonders.’

Reports said this was the second incident within a week where the same tusker attacked vehicles on road. Before this incident, Padayappa pushed a tractor that blocked its way at Kadalar estate under Kannan Devan Tea plantations near Munnar.

It’s not just buses that cause elephant fury. An elephant was filmed attacking a giant sculpture at a wildlife park after mistaking it for a love rival. The incident happened in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.

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