
Our Staff And Guests Jump Into Rushing Flood To Save Tiny Elephant’s Life

Our Staff And Guests Jump Into Rushing Flood To Save Tiny Elephant’s Life

Guests and staff at a vacation spot in Kenya acted fast when they spotted a baby elephant being swept away in a flooding river — and it meant the difference between life and ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ for the little animal.

“Our staff and guests were involved in the dramatic rescue of a baby elephant from the flooded Ewaso Nyiro river,” Elephant Bedroom Camp (EBC),

A bystander managed to catch the moment on camera. A group of staffers can be seen swimming in a group in the middle of the river. As they approach the bank, they tiny elephant they’re holding becomes visible. Men on shore rush to help them. The elephant calf whose mother could not be found was taken to the Reteti Elephant Orphanage in Namunyak Conservancy Samburu with help of Save the Elephants organization and Samburu National Reserve rangers.

The baby turned out to be a little girl. Rescuers named her Ewaso, after the river where she was found. Even though people were worried for Ewaso’s health after all the water she swallowed while Fɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ to stay afloat, after just a few solid days of rest and comfort at the sanctuary, Ewaso was already doing better. She was even ready to meet some new friends.

“She was recently getting a mud bath along with Lemorijo, another recent rescue who is 2 months old,“The mud acts as a sunblock and as an insect repellent.” Katie Rowe, one of the founders of the sanctuary said

Ewaso is turning out to be quite a character, “very spunky and charismatic,” Ewaso’s keepers, Mike and Leado, are seasoned in raising vulnerable rescued elephant calves to be strong ᴊᴜᴠᴇɴɪʟᴇ elephants, ready to go back to the wild. “Ewaso is in the best of hands. Someone is always with her, and Leado sleeps with her in the stall at night to be sure she is OK.” Rowe said

Elephants are known to be big and bulky animals. Many people think that they cannot move or swim very well because of just that, their size. However, elephants are excellent swimmers and capable of crossing rivers and even swimming underwater!

The largest ever recorded elephant swim was over 22 miles long and took place in India. The elephant trunk serves as a snorkel while they’re swimming, this helps them to breathe while they are underwater. While most elephants live on land, there are some that live in swampy areas. These elephants have webbed feet that help them to swim through the water.

Elephants are amazing creatures and it is fascinating to learn about all of the things they can do! It is clear that they are not limited by their size, but rather, they are able to use their abilities to adapt to their environment and survive.

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