
Orphaned Fawns Sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ With Love Of Gentle German Shepherd

When it comes down to comforting those in need, a dog’s heart is always gentle. Whether other pups, human beings or animals of different species, the men’s best friend has proved, so many times, it can easily be called everyone’s best buddy. So Sarge – a 9-year-old German Shepherd could haven’t been any different.

As a puppy, Sarge was a bit of a grump, biting toes and chasing his siblings around the house. But everything changed when his mom brought home an orphaned fawn, named Buckwheat, found lying in the middle of the road.

From the moment Cheryl, Sarge’s mom, introduced Sarge to his new foster fawn, it was as if he knew this was his life’s purpose.

Sarge immediately jumped at the opportunity to guide Buckwheat through life. Sarge was there to offer unlimited cuddles, help Buckwheat become steady on his feet, and even help him gain the confidence to explore on his own.

“Something clicked in Sarge and he took to Buckwheat instantly,” Cheryl told. “He wanted to be involved with every aspect of Buckwheat’s care.”

“He took on the role of being Buckwheat’s guardian,” she added. “None of the other dogs were allowed near the baby.”

If Buckwheat was eating, Sarge would join him. If the little fawn went to take a nap, Sarge was keeping a watchful eye out. When Buckwheat was playing and becoming more steady on his feet, Sarge was there to lend some encouragement and support. He was just all about caring for the little baby.

As the little deer grew more confident and went about exploring the great outdoors, Sarge was his shadow and followed him around, always making sure that Buckwheat was never in any ʜᴀʀᴍ. In fact, if Sarge felt that Buckwheat was straying a little too far, he would often herd him back to the safety of the porch.

Thanks to Sarge’s guidance, Buckwheat was eventually rehabilitated that he was ready to be returned back to the wild. When that time did come, Sarge and Buckwheat’s story has become very well known that Cheryl has become the go-to person whenever there is an ɪɴᴊᴜʀᴇᴅ or orphaned deer.

While Buckwheat has left Sarge’s side, Sarge gladly helps other fawns who come to them for help. Learning from Buckwheat, Sarge is more than ready to step up to the task of helping more fawns in the future.

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